Half-Sister's Cousin Anthony

Half-Sister's Cousin Anthony

Hugo Guinness Original

Hugo Guinness' latest collection of oil paintings, Imagined Ancestors, "emerged from his fascination with ambiguous truths encoded into one's family history laden with mystery, secrecy, and potential falsehoods." To view all available pieces from this collection, click here.

  • 9.5" x 9.5"
  • Oil on cardboard 
  • Painted wood frame
  • Hugo Guinness c. 2024
  • Please call or email the shop for purchasing details
    212.677.8408 | drygoods@johnderian.com

    Hugo Guinness is a British painter, illustrator, and writer. His work has been featured in publications such as The New York Times, The New Yorker, and Vogue as well as collaborations with J Crew and Coach. Hugo shared an Oscar nomination with Wes Anderson for the Grand Budapest Hotel screenplay and recently completed an animated short I Will Always Remember You, benefitting the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. He lives and works with his wife and two daughters in Brooklyn, New York. He’s also on Instagram @hugoguinness.

    Half-Sister's Cousin Anthony

    Half-Sister's Cousin Anthony

    Half-Sister's Cousin Anthony
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