All Products

Basket Dish

Basket Dish

Small Bowl on Stand

Small Bowl on Stand

Simple Side Plate

Simple Side Plate

Regence Soup Plate

Regence Soup Plate

Bison Cloud Dish

Bison Cloud Dish

Strainer Platter

Strainer Platter

Adélaïde Large Soup Plate

Adélaïde Large Soup Plate

Bella Donna Lilly Soup Plate

Bella Donna Lilly Soup Plate

Simple Soup Plate

Simple Soup Plate

Setsuko Bowl 2

Setsuko Bowl 2

Rien Dessert Plate

Rien Dessert Plate

Rome Small Side Plate

Rome Small Side Plate

Neptune Side Plate

Neptune Side Plate

Quince Plate

Quince Plate

Small Footed Bowls

Small Footed Bowls

Rien Large Dinner Plate

Rien Large Dinner Plate

Athenes Plate

Athenes Plate

Regence Soup Plate

Regence Soup Plate

Large Bouquet Dinner Plate

Large Bouquet Dinner Plate

Papillon Dish

Papillon Dish

Drape Side Plate

Drape Side Plate

Heart with Crown Bowl

Heart with Crown Bowl

Dog Dish

Dog Dish

Heart Dish with Holes

Heart Dish with Holes

Simple Bowl on Stand

Simple Bowl on Stand

Crésus Saucer

Crésus Saucer

Rose May Soup Plate

Rose May Soup Plate

Simple Saucer (Coffee Cup)

Simple Saucer (Coffee Cup)

Clarabelle Dinner Plate

Clarabelle Dinner Plate

Setsuko Bowl

Setsuko Bowl

Régence Large Salad Bowl

Régence Large Salad Bowl

Medium Orangea Saucer with Seed Plate

Medium Orangea Saucer with Seed Plate

Courone Saucer

Courone Saucer

Apple Orange Plate

Apple Orange Plate

Spotted Prune Tachetée

Spotted Prune Tachetée

Heart Kite Small Dish

Heart Kite Small Dish

Victor Large Soup Plate

Victor Large Soup Plate

Pepito Soup Plate

Pepito Soup Plate

Small Dauphins Dish on Stand

Small Dauphins Dish on Stand

Fillette Teapot

Fillette Teapot

Etoile Soup Plate (Gold Interior)

Etoile Soup Plate (Gold Interior)

Etoile Side Plate (Platinum Interior)

Etoile Side Plate (Platinum Interior)

Cresus Dinner Plate

Cresus Dinner Plate

Pont St. Michel PlatterOut of stock

Pont St. Michel Platter

Sobre Mini Salad BowlOut of stock

Sobre Mini Salad Bowl

Two Level Peggy BowlOut of stock

Two Level Peggy Bowl

Sobre BowlOut of stock

Sobre Bowl

Drape Large Dinner PlateOut of stock

Drape Large Dinner Plate

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